A Holiday Note…

by | Dec 22, 2016

Santa HatAs you rush home with your treasures…

…I want to take a moment to say thank you.  I continue to be humbled by the emails and comments I receive from you the readers of this blog/newsletter.  Your comments, thoughts and suggestions are my reward and encouragement to continue sharing this work.

As rewarding as business has been this year, it has also been a tumultuous year personally with the loss of my dear husband, Mike.  He was my love and my business partner. I miss him terribly.  So, my holiday wish for you is that you give someone special a hug, a kiss or simply a word of gratitude. There is nothing more important and nothing more memorable.

Have a happy holiday season cherishing each moment and each person.



  1. James Welch

    God bless you and your blogs. Hope to see you next time home. Those first holidays without loved ones are tough, but you will come through it all and your many friends will help. Hugs, James

  2. John Less

    Grace and peace be with you, Ms. Row; your willingness to share valuable information via this blog is a real blessing. Let’s all hope that 2017 is a year of healing, growth, and at least a little joy!

  3. Lee Provost

    Ms. Shelley: Thank you for your positive messages and helpful advice for the workplace. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. God Bless you and your family during the holidays!

  4. Joyce Bader

    Shelley, I’m thinking about all that you and Mike had the foresight to do right when you should have – your year in France, your career transition, your partnership on all of those things. You two were models of really living – partly because you knew it could be short – but your continual ability to remind us all of this and stay present is a gift to us all. Thank you and the very best in the new year.

    My favorite “transition model” is by William Bridges. He says that change comes to us as “endings – neutral zones – and beginnings.” Endings come first and need to be recognized for what they are. The neutral zone is the confused time that is natural when the old “moorings” give way – and beginnings come when they are ready to do so – not always when we want them to. None of this is linear and it all goes on all the time but we slowly work our ways through to a new place.

    My new year’s wish for you is poignant endings filled with the sweetness of your past, a creative and challenging neutral zone, and the glow of new beginnings on your horizon.

    Miss you! Joyce


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Author Byline: Founder and CEO of Blue Fjord Leaders, Shelley Row P.E. CSP, was named by Inc. Magazine as one of the top 100 leadership speakers. Professional engineer and former senior executive, she was recognized as one of the best minds in advanced traffic management systems.

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