Where are the keys? They must be here somewhere. I drove to Starbucks between a meeting and my flight home. Clearly, I had the keys when I arrived. The Starbucks staff helped me search. No keys. “Maybe you left them in the car?” they offered. Maybe....
I didn’t see it coming. The executives were gathered for our work on communication skills for the sake of enhancing productivity. (Poor communication skills are a leading cause of productivity loss.) Based on their input, we had flip charts around the room each with...
Sometimes those snap decisions are not your best choice. Learn to recognize the people and situations that trigger an emotion-filled reaction. Subscribe
Each year we make them and break them in short order. Why continue to do the same thing over and over? Your New Year’s resolution doesn’t have to be hard or frustrating. This year, make your resolutions meaningful, achievable and impactful. How? Try...
As you rush home with your treasures… …I want to take a moment to say thank you. I continue to be humbled by the emails and comments I receive from you the readers of this blog/newsletter. Your comments, thoughts and suggestions are my reward and encouragement to...