After 75 interviews with leaders, it’s clear. Leaders rely on intuition for decision-making in complex situations. Making decisions in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty is part of the job. There is neither the ability to know all the facts nor time to find enough...
Fear influences your thinking more that you recognize. Fear can be the reason for over-thinking it. In this video, explore steps to work with fear and stop its hold on your decision-making....
He died on September 1. I have not yet tackled his closet, clothes, shoes, sweaters, and ties. But, living in the house, I run into what I call the “stuff of life.” It’s the stuff we collect, save and hang on to whether it makes sense or not. There...
I’m a big fan of giving thanks for all the great things in life. This year, let’s turn Thanksgiving upside down. Let’s give those around us something to be thankful for. And, I have the perfect thing – your attention. A friend recently said to me, “The most precious...
The workplace is filled with awkward situations that are hard to discuss. Perhaps there’s been an unpleasant exchange between co-workers and there’s a lingering undertone of anger. Maybe someone didn’t get the expected promotion and remain disappointed. Perhaps...