You are in a meeting with a group of people trying to discuss a project, program, course of action, you-name-it. But it isn’t really a conversation. It’s more like competitive talking. One person starts a thought only to have their sentence stepped on by another. ...
Have you ever led a group discussion that wasn’t a group discussion? Sure, a few people jump into the discussion immediately but many sit quietly, particularly at the beginning. It’s particularly true for a high-stakes meeting with the boss in the room and everyone...
Do you desire to make a substantial career shift but find yourself paralyzed with inaction? Does the risk seem too big to surmount? You doubt your courage and fret over lost opportunities. The German philosopher Goethe once said, “Leap and the net will...
Look around. Take in everything that you see. There’s the stack of sticky notes with calls to be returned; a report that needs to be reviewed; the partially finished cost proposal for your big client; and a half-eaten sandwich sitting next to the book club book that...
A leader sets the course for the organization. And while that can be challenging, even more of a challenge is retaining focus on that course. Each day brings new twists and turns that can distract, dissuade, and undermine the pathway to a goal. It takes discipline to...