by Shelley Row | Jun 5, 2016 | Business Skills, Decision-Making, Leadership, Neuroscience
Have you noticed that it feels good to help a co-worker, neighbor, or friend? And have you noticed that it feels good to play a key role in a well-functioning team? In both cases, the reason is that participation activates the reward center in the...
by Shelley Row | May 30, 2016 | Business Skills, Decision-Making, Leadership, Neuroscience
You’re wired to see what you already believe. It’s a simple statement but the implications for decision-making are complex. What you already believe is built layer upon layer from your experiences which create a filter through which you see the world. Good...
by Shelley Row | May 24, 2016 | Uncategorized, Business Skills, Decision-Making, Leadership
They started with two helicopters, an office crammed into the corner of the hangar filled with beat up furniture. Today, there are eight helicopters, a flight simulator, an office building outside the hangar and services offered in three locations across the country....
by Shelley Row | May 16, 2016 | Uncategorized, Business Skills, Decision-Making, Leadership, Neuroscience
He worked fast and it was mesmerizing to watch. I was speaking at Asbury Communities on leadership decision-making using infotuition. As I spoke, Bruce drew. Bruce is an illustrator who graphically records programs as they unfold. It is remarkable to watch him work....
by Shelley Row | May 1, 2016 | Business Skills, Neuroscience
Chances are…you are losing time and productivity due to distractions at work. And there’s neither time nor energy in the day to waste. We choose to allow distractions to get in our way and it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s as though the...