by Shelley Row | Apr 24, 2016 | Decision-Making, Neuroscience
The morning was a bit cool for April as we finished our run. Trees were flowering white and pink like cotton and cotton candy. Yards popped with vibrant yellow and purple pansies. It looked beautiful and happy. If you aren’t a gardener you may not know that...
by Shelley Row | Apr 18, 2016 | Neuroscience
The big day was approaching. By “big day” I don’t mean election day (which can’t come soon enough) or a wedding day, I mean the Super Bowl-THE big day for U.S. sports fans. To be clear, I am not a U.S. sports fan, but even people like me watch...
by Shelley Row | Apr 10, 2016 | Decision-Making
Around and around you go…Your mind whizzes and churns. What if this? What if that? You feel like a dog chasing its tail. The culprit is over-thinking. Over-thinking wastes time, money and energy. If you don’t have any of those to spare, then let’s look at three...
by Shelley Row | Apr 4, 2016 | Business Skills, Decision-Making
NO! Wham. NO! Wham. My partner, large pads strapped to her forearms, shouted her encouragement. My forearms hit the pads with as much force as I could muster. Wham. “NO!” I yelled as loudly as I could over the other shouted “Nos” in the room. The power of yelling...
by Shelley Row | Mar 27, 2016 | Business Skills, Decision-Making
Perhaps you’re like me. You pack more into the day than it can possibly hold. The items on the to-do list stack up and the top priorities that need your undivided attention slip as you deal with unexpected emergencies that can’t wait. Frustration builds and...