by Shelley Row | Nov 30, 2014 | Leadership
Still. Quiet. It is 7am on Thanksgiving morning and not a creature is stirring. Well, that’s not completely accurate. Overhead, a seagull squawks and there’s a woop, woop of wings beating against the air as a flock of smaller birds zip past. I’m running along the...
by Shelley Row | Nov 6, 2014 | Business Skills, Decision-Making, Leadership
To clap, or not to clap. That is the question. Mike and I attended opening night at the Annapolis Symphony Orchestra. The newly renovated Maryland Hall was filled with expectant energy. They really did sound amazing! They must have used something akin to the Graham...
by Shelley Row | Oct 5, 2014 | Leadership
“You’re doing what?” The question came from my girlfriends during our morning run. I had explained my plan to attend a weekend meditation retreat. It wasn’t the meditation retreat they reacted to. It was the plan: Friday night concert (we already had tickets);...
by Shelley Row | Sep 1, 2014 | Leadership
One-and-two-and-three-and-four… My dad sat next to me counting out the beats as I practiced the clarinet. Night after night he taught and I learned. I was good but was never going to be the next Bennie Goodman. Nonetheless, I read and play music and appreciate...
by Shelley Row | Jul 31, 2014 | Business Skills, Decision-Making, Leadership
The computer locks up; you groan in exasperation. A new assignment is plopped onto your already-full plate; your shoulders tense. A crash on the drive home snarls traffic; your chest tightens. You feel like a pin cushion that is constantly pricked by tension-causing...