Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Three Reasons Do-It-Yourself Leadership Development is a Bad Business Decision
It seems like a good idea to use your existing senior staff to develop and conduct leadership training for mid and up-and-coming engineer managers. After all, you're already paying them and they have proven leadership skills. Why not use them to train others? They may...
Exhausted After a Day of Zoom Calls? Four Tips to Manage Your Energy in a Virtual Environment Exhausted after a Day of Zoom Calls? Four Tips to Manage Your Energy in a Virtual Environment Meeting after meeting after virtual meeting. It's exhausting. Have you noticed that meeting online all day is more exhausting than if you were...
Public Agency Managers: Now’s Not the Time to Cut Professional Development! Here’s How to Make the Case.
Use This Checklist to Evaluate Your Program! (agency) Trust is the currency of public agencies. You need trust to work effectively with elected leaders, to successfully argue for your agency’s funding, and to build relationships with citizens who pass judgment on your...
Now’s Not the Time to Cut Professional Development for Your Technical Managers!
Use This Checklist to Evaluate Your Program! Your staff is working and serving clients because your organization provides an "essential" function. That's great...for now. But you foresee a future with tighter revenue, constrained travel, and stressed clients. When...
Don’t Be Boring and Forgettable. Use this Checklist to Up Your Game Now!
In case you haven't noticed by now, an effective webinar isn't simply a regular presence on a screen. Webinars should be designed differently...well if you want them to be impactful. Particularly now with everyone participating in webinars, yours can stand above the...
Email is More Important Than Ever. Learn Four Tips to Make Your Emails More Effective
Photo credit: Aleksandr Davydov This is the fourth newsletter based on the Over-Thinkers Guide to Working at Home Effectively. You can find the original guide here. Each week, we've written more information on one of the topics in the guide. This week's virtual work...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
Your place for short, easy-to-read articles on management, leadership, decision-making, and personal & professional development.
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Who Are You — Without Your To-Do List?
Anxious? Rebalance your day with mindfulness and meaningful work instead of checking off a to-do list. Here's how I changed my perspective and realigned my vision for Blue Fjord Leaders. Understanding My To-Do List Anxiety It was the first morning of my...
Employees are Leaving — Here’s What They Want You to Know
Employee retention. It’s a conundrum for even the most-seasoned managers. Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen an extensive uptick in conversations about The Great Resignation, as well as the what and how of keeping people in-house. Fewer are asking why everyone is...
Why Travel is Vital to Your Career & How to Go Without Guilt
Close your eyes and imagine the sound of crashing waves, the feeling of sun on your face, and a cool drink in your hand. For some, this anticipation of vacation brings feelings of happiness and relaxation — for many more, it means added stress and a never-ending list...
Personality Conflicts at Work? How to Resolve Hard Feelings
Why you have to address personality conflicts at work Have you ever worked in an office where a performance problem went unaddressed? Have you ever watched personality conflicts negatively impact productivity and no one does anything about it? As a top performer, have...
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