Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Four Simple Tips for Conducting Effective Virtual Meetings
I bet you have been on more virtual meetings in the last couple of weeks than ever before. Locked in the house avoiding COVID-19, we're all working on virtual meeting platforms. Take Zoom, for example, the company added more users in the first two months of 2020 than...
How to Stay Connected with Remote Employees
Particularly for those of us who work on technical projects, it's tempting to use the time working from home to focus project work; however, as a manager, your staff need your attention now more than ever. Maybe you supervise highly technical people who enjoy working...
The Over-Thinker’s Guide to Working at Home Effectively
photo credit: rawpixel The world has shifted and here we are – at home – working. Having worked out of my home office for years now, I can say with assurance that there is a difference between working at home for a couple of days a week and working at home for an...
10 Skills Every Technical Professional Should Know when They Become a Manager
Whether your technical expertise is in engineering (like mine), law, finance, technology or science, we technical folks don’t have good reputations as managers. When a technically accomplished person is promoted into management, suddenly the old skills that made us...
7 Ideas to Consider When Creating Your Leadership Philosophy
What's your leadership philosophy? What's your leadership philosophy? I've asked that question to interview candidates and it has been asked of me. Frequently, the candidate is stumped as was I the first time. Don't let that question stump you. Perhaps you've worked...
To Create an Organizational Vision, Connect the Dots
In researching this article, I found countless resources on "how to write a vision and mission statement," "how to execute a vision and strategy," and "why you should have a vision statement." I found no articles on how to create a vision in the first place. An...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
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Featured Blog Posts
How To Diffuse Tense Moments in Three Steps
We’ve been talking about what it takes for your organization to run like a well-oiled machine. In our discussion the “oil” is communication skills. Previously, I wrote about three communication tips that grease the gears: listening skills, diffusing...
The Surprising Key to Productivity: Listening Skills
How to be a boss that is a good listener You want your office to run like a finely-tuned machine, each gear meshing seamlessly with the others. This level of performance requires the WD-40 of organizations – communication skills and listening skills specifically. In...
3 Essential Communication Skills for Improved Productivity
Want to get more stuff done? Here’s what it takes. You just want to get stuff done. That’s what I hear from the technical professionals I work with. Run into a problem? Let’s solve it and move on. These motivated staff are like high performance gears whirring at top...
Understanding Humility & Leadership: a Guide for New Managers
How this aspect of self-awareness is a critical function in leadership How do you show up? A few weeks ago we introduced you to the Blue Fjord Leadership System. Over time, I’ll write about each of the skills starting with the foundational skills. Today, is...
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The Handbook for Technical Leaders
Ten Top Skills for Managers