Blue Fjord Leaders Blog

The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.

Know Your Boss! Five Things to Learn About Them to Make Your Work Life (and Theirs) Easier

Know Your Boss! Five Things to Learn About Them to Make Your Work Life (and Theirs) Easier

Teresa wanted to see the big picture strategy before discussing specifics. Tom wanted general ideas with time to think before deciding. Paul wanted to give orders that were followed to the “T”.

To be successful, each of these bosses required a unique approach. The approach that worked for one wouldn’t stand a chance with another. You can save time and frustration by giving serious consideration to the approach, topics and personal agendas of your boss. Here are five areas to study about your boss so that you can be more effective in your job. Let’s face it, a happy boss makes for happier days at work!

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