Blue Fjord Leaders Blog

The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.

Three Steps to Just Getting It Done

Three Steps to Just Getting It Done

It was a beautiful Texas afternoon and I decided to take a short walk along the street where my mother lives.  Walking, I passed a short, old woman slowly ambling along out for her afternoon walk and carrying her cane. We smiled and acknowledged each other as our...

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Four Ways Leaders Use Intuition

Four Ways Leaders Use Intuition

Think, think, think. We live in a culture that values thinking. We have big thinkers, deep thinkers, creative thinkers, out-of-the-box thinkers. There are think tanks and a sculpture called, The Thinker. We think out loud; we think to ourselves and then we think...

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The Leadership Perils of Suppressing Emotion

The Leadership Perils of Suppressing Emotion

In leadership positions it’s inevitable that situations arise that generate an emotional reaction. Some emotions are low grade but others are like five-alarm fires. We are taught to control our emotions in the workplace to be credible, strong and unshakable. “Don’t...

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Are We Having Fun Yet? Three Reasons for Humor at Work

Are We Having Fun Yet? Three Reasons for Humor at Work

Years ago, when I led an office at the Department of Transportation, we invested in a 360 assessment for the top managers and me. I looked forward to the results because I appreciate getting others’ perspectives.  Or at least I thought I did— until I got the results. ...

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Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP

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