Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Flaming Emails: Don’t be THAT Person
You know a flaming email when you see it. Sarcasm, anger, or a belittling tone seep through the screen. It’s astounding how much tone we read into an email. It’s easier than you might think to send a flaming email. In fact, most executives that I work with don’t...
Over-thinking It? Notice and Name Feelings
Video #6 of the Series - Effective Decision-Making in an Over-Thinking World In this video series, Shelley works with you to understand the under-the-surface influences that impact your decision-making. You’ll learn how to stop over-thinking decisions; slow knee-jerk...
Is It Soup Yet? How To Know when It’s Time to Decide and Move On
You want to make a sound, thoughtful decision but it’s a tough one. How do you know when you have given adequate consideration? How do you know when it’s time to decide and move on? An executive that I work with calls that question, “Is it soup yet?” Have you...
Tough Decision? Use Your Secret Weapon–Values
You have a secret weapon anytime you face a tough decision. That secret weapon is your value system. Understanding and aligning with your values are a particularly useful addition to your decision-making toolset. Your value system indicates if a particular decision...
Big Decision? How to Get Input You Can Really Use
You are faced with a big decision and you hesitate, debate and procrastinate. It’s a moment where you could benefit from the experience of others, particularly your boss, mentor or the executive who you admire. That’s a good thing. You can learn a lot from the input...
For Better Decisions: Convert Competitive Talking into Collaborative Talking
You are in a meeting with a group of people trying to discuss a project, program, course of action, you-name-it. But it isn’t really a conversation. It’s more like competitive talking. One person starts a thought only to have their sentence stepped on by another. ...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
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Fire Up Your Conversations! When to Use Email–or Your Voice
It’s a cold winter’s day and the fireplace is blazing. Yellow flames grasp upward and their heat warms the room. It’s the gas fireplace in my living room. Down the road the fireplace is blazing at my friend’s house. Yellow flames grasp upward, heat warms the room...
Confessions from a Goal-Setter on New Year’s Day
The party is over. The confetti clings to the floor, reluctant to be swept away. The hats and horns are conspicuous with glittered hot pinks, blues and golds. And so the new year begins. Maybe you had a New Year's Eve like this or maybe you sat quietly at home in...
Oh Oh Oh! Three Tips for Seeing Another Perspective
It was the night of the lighted boat parade in our neighborhood of Eastport. The boat parade, sponsored by the Eastport Yacht Club, is a regular event that draws spectators who line the shoreline and bridge around the three sides of the harbor. The boats - dressed as...
Don’t Break Anything! Four Steps to Trying Something New While Managing Risk
Have you ever wanted to try something new in your organization but were hesitant to start? Maybe it’s a process that you need to change or a technology you’re considering investing in. It can feel risky and uncertain. You don’t want to break anything. And, that...
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