Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Increase Participation: Five Tips to Get Voices in the Room
Have you ever led a group discussion that wasn’t a group discussion? Sure, a few people jump into the discussion immediately but many sit quietly, particularly at the beginning. It’s particularly true for a high-stakes meeting with the boss in the room and everyone...
Make the Career Change Leap: Three Threads to Weave the Net
Do you desire to make a substantial career shift but find yourself paralyzed with inaction? Does the risk seem too big to surmount? You doubt your courage and fret over lost opportunities. The German philosopher Goethe once said, "Leap and the net will appear." As...
Why Closing Your Eyes is a Powerful Leadership Tool
Look around. Take in everything that you see. There’s the stack of sticky notes with calls to be returned; a report that needs to be reviewed; the partially finished cost proposal for your big client; and a half-eaten sandwich sitting next to the book club book that...
Walk a Labyrinth to Learn Leadership Discipline
A leader sets the course for the organization. And while that can be challenging, even more of a challenge is retaining focus on that course. Each day brings new twists and turns that can distract, dissuade, and undermine the pathway to a goal. It takes discipline to...
Participation Feels Good! Two Ways Leaders Can Use Participation More Effectively
Have you noticed that it feels good to help a co-worker, neighbor, or friend? And have you noticed that it feels good to play a key role in a well-functioning team? In both cases, the reason is that participation activates the reward center in the...
Three Tips to See Beyond Your Filters for Good Decisions
You’re wired to see what you already believe. It’s a simple statement but the implications for decision-making are complex. What you already believe is built layer upon layer from your experiences which create a filter through which you see the world. Good...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
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Featured Blog Posts
Four Tips to Be Prepared for Family Dynamics over the Holidays
‘Twas the holiday season…and family dynamics are taking a toll. There are the folks you see often and those less regularly. Some relationships are easy and welcome. Others …well, other relationships may grate on your nerves. Let’s face it, some family members seem to...
I’ll Know It When I See It … Three Steps to Greater Clarity
It was the sixth shoe store we visited in Vienna, Austria. And still no shoes. I wanted to buy a pair of boots as my old ones from Milan, Italy, fit so well. In and out of shoe stores we went. My traveling companion had the patience of Job. I looked at combat-style...
Folding Paper Airplanes: Three Steps to Creating New Habits
Do you remember what it was like to fold a paper airplane? You fold the corners in on an angle so that there is a pointy end; fold the sides down into wings and there it is. A sheet of paper transformed into an airplane. And it flew! Well,…mostly. Now, unfold the...
Reach Your Goals: Leadership Insights from a Kayak
It was a beautiful fall day in Keystone, Colorado. The aspen were gold and the sun highlighted the crevasses in the mountains that guarded the lake. It was a perfect time to rent a kayak and paddle around under the blue sky. My love affair with Kayaking really began...
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