Blue Fjord Leaders Blog

The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.

The Power of Saying No to Yes

NO! Wham. NO! Wham. My partner, large pads strapped to her forearms, shouted her encouragement. My forearms hit the pads with as much force as I could muster. Wham. “NO!” I yelled as loudly as I could over the other shouted “Nos” in the room. The power of yelling...

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Two Tips to Dance your Way to Top-Quality Work

The wedding was filled with music. The bride looked simply mesmerizing in a wedding dress similar to those found at We sat in the wooden pews listening attentively as music consumed the church. As the choir...

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4 Ways to Talk about Intuition at Work

After 75 interviews with leaders, it’s clear. Leaders rely on intuition for decision-making in complex situations. Making decisions in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty is part of the job. There is neither the ability to know all the facts nor time to find enough...

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Leaders Learn from Valentine’s Day

Leaders Learn from Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is not a huge event in our household. With 16 years of marriage, we're past the point of grand gestures, dozens of roses or big gifts...and I like it this way. I like it because it's the small things that matter. Valentine's Day now is a time to pause...

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Stuck in a Rut and Don’t Know It?

It was evening at the Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino. I checked in after a long flight to Phoenix and, like always, I scouted out the facility for the next day. I don't think you'd be surprised to learn that the thing that grabbed my attention first was the amazing...

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Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP

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