Blue Fjord Leaders Blog

The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.

Are You Unknowingly Suppressing Your Personal Growth?

Are You Unknowingly Suppressing Your Personal Growth?

Across the bottom of Amazon’s book page it pronounces, “New for you…” Low and behold, there is a list of books based on my past purchasing history. I follow someone new on Twitter and up pops three more Twitter feeds with the caption “You might also want to follow.”...

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Flee the Workplace Fires: Five Factors to Consider

Flee the Workplace Fires: Five Factors to Consider

Again. It happened again. Twice in five years fire gobbled up trees, pastures, and homes outside of Smithville, Texas, my hometown. Nearly 5,000 acres and 40 structures burned, are today's numbers. Fire trucks bearing names like Gonzales, Bryan, Sequin, Nacogdoches,...

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Three Steps to Rewire New Behavior

It was another one of those days. There were too many things on the to-do list to squish into the available time. I fretted and agonized. “How will it all get done?” The anxiety in my body mounted: tightness in my chest, knots in my stomach. “Oh no! You’re going to...

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Put Sleep on Your To-Do List

It's another long day at the office. You work late and there is still so much left to do. It's never ending. You get home late and are up early the next morning. Back at the office to chase down the to-do list. Somewhere along the way, busy-ness became a badge of...

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Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP

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