Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Four Tips to Manage Your Energy Drains and Fillers
“You’re doing what?” The question came from my girlfriends during our morning run. I had explained my plan to attend a weekend meditation retreat. It wasn’t the meditation retreat they reacted to. It was the plan: Friday night concert (we already had tickets);...
You Can Learn Infotuition! Five Tips to Get Started
One-and-two-and-three-and-four... My dad sat next to me counting out the beats as I practiced the clarinet. Night after night he taught and I learned. I was good but was never going to be the next Bennie Goodman. Nonetheless, I read and play music and appreciate the...
Anxiety? Call in the Fire Department
The computer locks up; you groan in exasperation. A new assignment is plopped onto your already-full plate; your shoulders tense. A crash on the drive home snarls traffic; your chest tightens. You feel like a pin cushion that is constantly pricked by tension-causing...
Three Tips from a Tea Kettle: How to Reframe an Over-Reaction into a Considered Response
There it is – a tea kettle. Shiny and copper. It sits quietly until the heat is on. Suddenly, unexpectedly, it erupts, “Eeeeeeeeee!” There you are. Sitting quietly at home or at work doing what you’re doing. Something happens – a cross word, a sideways glance, an...
Are Your Decision-Making Habits Feeding Your Organization
I’m intrigued but not surprised. The a-ha moment happened as I discussed the pitfalls of over-thinking with a group of 70 transportation leaders. It could have been any group of leaders. Perhaps it is evident: Leaders develop good and bad decision-making habits and so...
Four Ways Leaders Use Intuition
Four Ways Leaders Use Intuition Think, think, think. We live in a culture that values thinking. We have big thinkers, deep thinkers, creative thinkers, out-of-the-box thinkers. There are think tanks and a sculpture called, The Thinker. We think out loud; we think to...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
Your place for short, easy-to-read articles on management, leadership, decision-making, and personal & professional development.
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Three Steps to One Simple Resolution
Each year we make them and break them in short order. Why continue to do the same thing over and over? Your New Year's resolution doesn't have to be hard or frustrating. This year, make your resolutions meaningful, achievable and impactful. How? Try this......
A Holiday Note…
As you rush home with your treasures… …I want to take a moment to say thank you. I continue to be humbled by the emails and comments I receive from you the readers of this blog/newsletter. Your comments, thoughts and suggestions are my reward and encouragement to...
Come Out of the Closet: 4 Ways to Talk About Intuition at Work
After 75 interviews with leaders, it’s clear. Leaders rely on intuition for decision-making in complex situations. Making decisions in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty is part of the job. There is neither the ability to know all the facts nor time to find enough...
Video: Over-Thinking It? Manage Fear to Resolve the Nagging Feeling
Fear influences your thinking more that you recognize. Fear can be the reason for over-thinking it. In this video, explore steps to work with fear and stop its hold on your decision-making. Subscribe
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