Blue Fjord Leaders Blog
The Voice for Insightful Leadership with Shelley Row, P.E.
Infotuition: The Logical Choice for Complex Decision-Making
Do you want to make more insightful decisions? As you move from management into leadership you face increasingly complex decisions that are filled with ambiguity, uncertainty and risk. The number of variables to be considered grows from few to many adding...
Six Traits of Future Leaders: Do You Have Them?
Generational change, technology disruption and shifting expectations of the workforce are pushing some leadership skills into quicksand as others find a foothold. These well-grounded leaders of the future are more relational, adaptable and self-aware. They think,...
Come Out of the Closet: 4 Ways to Talk about Intuition at Work
After 75 interviews with leaders, it’s clear. Leaders rely on intuition for decision-making in complex situations. Making decisions in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty is part of the job. There is neither the ability to know all the facts nor time to find enough...
3 Leadership Lessons From Janis Joplin
Yes, you read that correctly: Leadership lessons from Janis Joplin. I know. I’m surprised, too. My husband and I, along with several friends, saw “One Night with Janis Joplin” at Arena Stage in Washington, DC. I never expected a lesson in leadership from a...
Four Styles of Decision-Making: Which One Do You Use?
Are you in a management or leadership position? Or, perhaps you moved from a specific technical position into a management or a leadership position. If so, you know that the higher you move in an organization, the more you experience increasingly complex decisions. ...
Blue Fjord Leaders Newsletter with Shelley Row, PE, CSP
Your place for short, easy-to-read articles on management, leadership, decision-making, and personal & professional development.
Featured Blog Posts
Frazzled from Holiday Prep? Three Ways to Stop Adding to the Clutter
He died on September 1. I have not yet tackled his closet, clothes, shoes, sweaters, and ties. But, living in the house, I run into what I call the "stuff of life." It's the stuff we collect, save and hang on to whether it makes sense or not. There are hearing aid...
Give the Gift of Attention: Three Steps You Can Take Today
I’m a big fan of giving thanks for all the great things in life. This year, let’s turn Thanksgiving upside down. Let’s give those around us something to be thankful for. And, I have the perfect thing – your attention. A friend recently said to me, “The most precious...
Elephant in the Room? Three Reasons Not to Ignore It
The workplace is filled with awkward situations that are hard to discuss. Perhaps there’s been an unpleasant exchange between co-workers and there’s a lingering undertone of anger. Maybe someone didn’t get the expected promotion and remain disappointed. Perhaps...
Over-thinking It? Use Insight to Resolve the Nagging Feeling
When over-thinking it, have you ever felt that there’s just more going on than meets the eye? There is. This video shows why you need to honor that feeling and dig in for more information. Your brain is trying to bring insight to you if you are willing to listen....
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