The Value of Travel–and Down Time

The Value of Travel–and Down Time

If you’ve read my blog for long, you won’t be surprised to hear that travel is very important to me. I find that time spent in other environments, cultures and fresh activities expands my thinking, allows me to reconnect to my values, and put into expanded...
You Can Learn Infotuition!

You Can Learn Infotuition!

One-and-two-and-three-and-four… My dad sat next to me counting out the beats as I practiced the clarinet. Night after night he taught and I learned. I was good but was never going to be the next Bennie Goodman. Nonetheless, I read and play music and appreciate...
The Facts Speak for Themselves. Do They?

The Facts Speak for Themselves. Do They?

“Just the facts: they speak for themselves.” That’s the approach many take when they want to persuade someone to their point of view. But do they speak for themselves? Not so much. From my technical background, I have observed a fact-based approach to persuasion...
Perfect is Over-Rated

Perfect is Over-Rated

Six little girls about eight-years old, a mom with her small son, and me and my friend, Patti. We were at Painting With a Twist in South Austin. A blank, white canvas and a paper plate (a perfect substitute for a palette) with puddles of paint in vibrant colors was in...
Three Steps to Just Getting It Done

Three Steps to Just Getting It Done

It was a beautiful Texas afternoon and I decided to take a short walk along the street where my mother lives.  Walking, I passed a short, old woman slowly ambling along out for her afternoon walk and carrying her cane. We smiled and acknowledged each other as our...