Is there someone you work with who could use a little motivation? Could you use a little motivation? You can’t motivate someone else if you can’t motivate yourself and, frankly, we could all use a little motivation sometime. Too often we think of motivation as money...
Pilots use it; some doctors use it. The benefits of its use have been documented. What is it? A simple checklist. Are you taking advantage of it? My sister and her husband are pilots. Each time I fly with them they pull out their pre-flight checklist. Even with hours...
Where are the keys? They must be here somewhere. I drove to Starbucks between a meeting and my flight home. Clearly, I had the keys when I arrived. The Starbucks staff helped me search. No keys. “Maybe you left them in the car?” they offered. Maybe....
I’m a big fan of giving thanks for all the great things in life. This year, let’s turn Thanksgiving upside down. Let’s give those around us something to be thankful for. And, I have the perfect thing – your attention. A friend recently said to me, “The most precious...
The workplace is filled with awkward situations that are hard to discuss. Perhaps there’s been an unpleasant exchange between co-workers and there’s a lingering undertone of anger. Maybe someone didn’t get the expected promotion and remain disappointed. Perhaps...
You know a flaming email when you see it. Sarcasm, anger, or a belittling tone seep through the screen. It’s astounding how much tone we read into an email. It’s easier than you might think to send a flaming email. In fact, most executives that I work with don’t...