Is there someone you work with who could use a little motivation? Could you use a little motivation? You can’t motivate someone else if you can’t motivate yourself and, frankly, we could all use a little motivation sometime. Too often we think of motivation as money...
There’s a reason that we experience resistance to change whether it’s us personally or staff. The brain wants the world it experiences today to be as expected based on its past. The brain likes “the way we’ve always done it before.” That’s easy, comfortable and...
Is there someone you work with who could use a little motivation? Could you use a little motivation? You can’t motivate someone else if you can’t motivate yourself and, frankly, we could all use a little motivation sometime. Too often we think of motivation as money...
I didn’t see it coming. The executives were gathered for our work on communication skills for the sake of enhancing productivity. (Poor communication skills are a leading cause of productivity loss.) Based on their input, we had flip charts around the room each with...
He died on September 1. I have not yet tackled his closet, clothes, shoes, sweaters, and ties. But, living in the house, I run into what I call the “stuff of life.” It’s the stuff we collect, save and hang on to whether it makes sense or not. There...
I’m not a caretaker. I seem to have missed that gene even as a woman. But then came the diagnosis – lung cancer – again. It was my husband. Now, I would push his wheelchair into radiation; fetch whatever he needed, and run errands in the weeks until...