Stuck in a Rut and Don’t Know It?

It was evening at the Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino. I checked in after a long flight to Phoenix and, like always, I scouted out the facility for the next day. I don’t think you’d be surprised to learn that the thing that grabbed my attention first was...

Leadership Lessons from EMTs

By the time I arrived, she was groggy, clammy and complaining of chest pains. The emergency management technicians (EMTs) drove up to my mother’s house in spite of me giving them the wrong address. Red lights reflected off the windows as they pulled into the...

How to Not Waste Time on Performance Reviews

It is likely that your performance review process is a colossal waste of time – for you and your employee. Can your business tolerate a process that is a colossal waste of time? If your answer is no, then here are some tips that with a bit of thought, will...